Might as well have a small bitchfest heh.
It's not gonna be about much... just DH's aunt.
I swear.. the woman does NOT know how to hold a baby even though she practically helped raise DH and his 2 sisters (his dad was in the military and away a lot).
You would THINK she'd know how to handle and hold a baby correctly, but NOPE.
I watch her with my baby niece, trying to soothe her, she will rock her REALLY FAST and kinda too forcefully... like that's supposed to soothe her back to sleep or something. Uh.. what?? It's not so bad now that the baby is older and used to her, but aunt was doing this when the baby was still in that newborn sort of stage.
And then she would wonder why the baby would cry more. Really??
So she'll then hand the baby off to someone else so they can try to properly soothe... and the baby ends up spitting up. Hmmm I wonder why... it was only just shaken like crazy (not in the abusive dangerous manner). No wonder it just spit up.
AND she's one of the annoying types that thinks that her niece and this LO is HER baby. MiL says it too. "Oh you're having another LO for us?" Uh... no.....
At SiL's baby shower... it was ALL about the aunt. How excited SHE was about getting HER baby.
And finally... she invited herself to SiL's gender scan. She fully admitted it and was actually proud of it and said it defiantly like no one could've stopped her (not like SiL tried but still).
Thankfully aunt has to work the day of mine so no chance of her just popping up and inviting herself.
Oh my gosh, WTF?!! Ugh..
I would so nip that in the butt right away! Crazy!
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