Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Wish I could say where did the time go but pffft.... it's still dragging quite a bit lol.

Anyway, here is my 19w bump shot compared to last week

Things are rounding out up top. Wow.... too bad that's still all fat up there b/c I def know where baby is. He/she is moving up slowly but yeah... all that is still just fat.
Oh well... at least I'm rounding out a bit though which will hopefully eventually make me look pregnant instead of a fat cow :P lol

Please excuse the soap scummy mirror. I didn't notice it until afterwards, but hey... at least I remembered to brush my hair before taking the photo! lol

OOOO I have the coolest news! Well, cool for me at least heh.

So I woke up at around 2:40 to use the bathroom. Laid back down on my left side and slightly leaned back some on to a pillow.
In that position, DH and I can really feel the top of my uterus on my right side. The fat sorta falls towards the bed leaving it more exposed heh.
Anyway, I'm laying there trying to get back to sleep, and I feel a really quick gurgle right in that area.
So I place my hand there just b/c I like feeling how firm it is, and HOLY SHIT... I just felt the baby move under my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have NO idea what parts I was feeling, but it was SO frickin cool and weird.
Whatever parts they were, it was right under my hand and moving/turning/something slowly.
It only lasted for maybe 10 seconds (not all continuous, would feel something, then it would stop, then it would start again, etc)...
It was just such a strange and magical experience all at the same time heh.
Funny thing is though... I know I would not have even realized it was happening if I hadn't placed my hand there. I had no sensation of the movement other than what I was feeling under my hand.

MAN! I hope it happens again tonight. I'm now more confident that what I've been feeling is in fact the baby and he/she does get active after dinner. So hoping that they'll act up some so DH can feel it too. I want him to so much.


SLES75 said...

Once you feel that baby move....it's like an addiction. I waited for it day in and day out...I couldn't get enough of it. It was the most amazing feeling and one of the things I miss most about being pregnant....looking forward to getting pregnant again just to feel that feeling.....LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

So excited you're feeling it....

LisaB/lisabttc said...

You look SO cute! You are really poppin now!!!