Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Didn't give in!

To the dream that is. Mostly b/c I forgot by the time I was by it and traffic was pretty bad b/c it was after lunch time when everyone is trying to get back to work.
I did munch on some jelly beans that we got this weekend.
I have to hide them from DH.
He really has no self control when it comes to junk food. I didn't really take him seriously until last night when he actually searched the house for the candy. I hid it the day before so he wouldn't be tempted, but he still want.
No more candy... at least no more that will last for more than 1 serving. Candy bar here and there is ok, but no big bags of anything.
I hate seeing him feel guilty after eating something.
Anywho... lunch was nice. Went and picked up SiL and my nieces from school. For some reason they had another half day today.
I swear... I don't remember ever having that many half days. Maybe one or 2 every school year and that was it.
They seem to have at least 1-2 every month.
Just shows how shitty our schools have become now. No money to keep things going which is such a shame.
I love my nieces, I really do, but good god they annoy the ever loving hell out of me!
I'm sure my own kids will annoy others and I'll have turned a blind eye to it, but right now.... that eye can see all of their annoying behaviour and just wants to shake them! lol
My 8yo niece (the one that just had a birthday), has some serious problems. Well... seriously annoying ones.
She WHINES constantly. I know kids whine, I remember doing it... but not like this. She is AWFUL w/ her constant whining and pouting and honestly, it really pisses you off.
She's at an age where she knows better, but she does it anyway.
AND she lies all the time too. I know she gets that shit from my brother (who got it from my dad).
Thankfully my younger niece seems to be ok. She likes to tattle, but I really don't have a problem with that. She's also pretty stubborn, but that's ok for the most part b/c she'll usually get over whatever she's being stubborn about after a few minutes.
She also whines, but she does what I consider to be a normal amount. She'll whine for a little bit, then will move on.
I blame my MiL.

I do love my MiL, she is a really nice person, but she spoiled the ever loving hell out of my oldest niece. Let her do whatever the hell she wanted when she visited and I know for a fact that that is one of the reasons why my niece is the way she is now.

I don't care if grandma wants to spoil to a point, but she better listen to DH and myself and keep it within limits as WE would like. That sounds SO strict, but I really think we have to be.

Oh I also told DH last night that no one better think about coming over here unannounced when baby arrives.
He didn't get it at first until I reminded him how our dogs are.
They bark like crazy if someone knocks or rings the doorbell.
That shit is NOT happening if I can help it. I do not want to have just gotten baby to sleep and here comes some inlaw or my family member unannounced ringing the damn doorbell, making our dogs bark which wakes the baby up.
DH didn't think about that shit until I brought it up. Hell, I didn't even think of it until I saw someone else mention it on a forum.

HOPEFULLY we won't have a problem with that. DH doesn't think we will, but I think everything will change once baby arrives. Hell, MiL already said to DH kinda jokingly that she was going to come over whenever she wanted. Yeah... we'll see about that.

I'm sorry a lot of my posts have been a bit ranty. I've been in such a pissy mood lately. Guess it's hormones? *shrugs*

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