Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Back and... EW

Ok so, the beach trip... probably just shouldn't have happened b/c it was kind of pointless. At least for me.
DH, MiL, FiL, SiL and her husband went deep sea fishing. Only FiL caught anything large enough to keep.
So while they had fun, the rest of us... not so much.
We were basically just left to hang out at the hotel.... which wasn't on the beach.
I THOUGHT we were going to go to the beach while they were fishing but no.
That's one problem with the inlaws. While they love going places... they also love just hanging out in the hotel rooms. I can see relaxing but that was just a huge waste of time.

Also... holy shit SiL and her husband (DH's younger sister) are terrible frickin snorers who seriously need those apnea machines at night.
Their snoring kept me up almost ALL night long. Didn't help that we had to sleep w/ Zoe and she kept crowding me and tossing and turning lol.
But their snoring... holy shit.... I wanted DH to smother them both. I laid there and actually contemplated sleeping in the hot ass car or going to walmart all night long just to get some peace. Keep in mind that we went to bed at 11pm......
They did eventually quiet down at around 3 or 4am and I did get to sleep until 6am :\
So yeah, after typing this out I'm going to go crash.
That was just.... nope. Never again. Ear plugs wouldn't have drowned those 2 motorboats out.

I can fall asleep with a lot of noise, but snoring is not one of them. Snoring is like electrical hum to me... it drives me absolutely frickin crazy when I'm trying to sleep.

When DH and crew got back from fishing, we went out to eat. The buffet was good. Expensive but good.
I wanted to go to the beach after, and we would have if we had gotten any sleep but we were too tired and knew we had a 2hr road trip ahead of us so we just got everything from the hotel, said our goodbyes and left.

We didn't have anyone watching the dogs. We gated them in to the kitchen area... aka no carpet area.
They still managed to push their way out. Funny thing though.... there were only 2 pee spots (on the carpet of course *grumble*) and absolutely NO POO. Not even poo smell.
Why? Well b/c our smaller dog is a total poo eater and apparently had himself a mighty fine fresh snack *BARF*
On one hand... woot, no poo or poo smell to deal with... on the other hand *GAG*
Just need to make sure he doesn't try to lick us.... bleh.

Anyway... meh. It was a pointless trip IMO. Waste of gas. We went to the beach and didn't actually GO to the beach. Hell, we didn't even see the frickin ocean.
But Zoe got to play with her cousin and visit with everyone so that was a plus.

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