Thursday, July 3, 2014


Ok, this is going to be gross but I have to share it b/c.. wtf?
I just farted and it smelled JUST like a swimming pool o_O ROFL

Ok enough of that silliness :P

Got a call back finally today and they've increased my femara dose for next cycle :D WOO! So excited and hopeful.

Also hopeful for this cycle too and starting to really think that I did ovulate. I don't know if that one BDing or if it was a strong ovulation, but my temps are looking more and more like I did ovulate.
But again, may not have been the strongest ovulation but we'll see.
I could be 6dpo today.

Maybe I got a bad batch of wondfo OPKs. I see people using wondfo and then another brand and they get 2 totally different results. A lot of the time one will be an obvious positive while the other isn't (usually the wondfo), so maybe that could've happened with the ones I have. *shrugs* Just a thought.

Zoe seems to be going down for a nap much better now. I keep her up until around 11 and then put her to bed. She'll cry a little but will usually stop within a minute or 2. SO frickin glad for that.

Took 2 showers with her. She didn't seem to mind it that much except for when my shampoo would splash on her face and in to her eyes. Oops...
She did well both times though :) Only did it both times b/c I REALLY needed a shower and she had already taken a nap. It was just easier to bring her with me than remain funky for a few more hours until DH got home lol.

Looks like brother and wife are still going to comic con.... whatever. Their money but I wish they would save it and spend it more wisely. Especially now that my brother isn't working b/c of his possible seizure thing.
They just never plan ahead and it irks the shit out of me b/c they end up borrowing money that they never intend to pay back.

Anyway, I was asked if I would watch their baby and UGH I don't want to. I love seeing him, don't get me wrong, but he is not the easiest baby. He's super fussy and demanding and I have no idea where he's going to sleep. We'll see what happens though.

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