Sunday, July 13, 2014


What is this... 4w2d?
Feeling.... tired. Very very tired. *YAWN*
I had a 10min nap earlier before Zoe woke up which helped but I'm feeling it again. I just want to snuggle up in bed and sleep.

Appetite is about the same. Still not craving sweets.
When I get hungry, I feel hungrier. Not sure if that's psychological though.
I know I'm losing some weight. The diarrhea certainly 'helps' in that matter.
I would not be surprised if I was at or below 200 by my appointment at this rate. I am not complaining about it AT ALL lol.

Here are today's tests
The HPT is def darker, but I'm not sure if the opk is going to get much darker than it was yesterday and today. Still interesting to see though.

OOOOO I'm so excited for Zoe's birthday present DH is going to start on. We haven't bought the materials for it yet. The plans for it have changed.
We were going to do a tall tardis w/ shelves on the top and an open space on the bottom for Zoe to play in.
B/c of the size of the wood DH wants to get, it's going to be much smaller. More kid size and well.. I don't want to give anything away. It's just going to be awesome :D I'll of course post lots of photos.
It took A LOT of brain storming to get to something that would work and look right but we finally figured it out. DH is just trying to figure out the details so he knows how much of everything to get.
Zoe better appreciate this when she's older b/c I dunno if she's gonna get a present like this again rofl.

UUUUUGH... SiL wants me to paint some kind of pirate theme thing on my nieces bed along w/ some thing on the wall too. She did offer to pay me but I don't want money b/c I don't want to do it :\
It would mean going over there to work on it and... BLEH! I want to stay home damnit.
She better come up with some good examples of exactly what she wants. I've never even tried to do anything resembling a pirate ship before. Nevermind that my painting skills aren't exactly awesome.
People always think that just b/c you can draw that you must know how to do every single other artistic thing, sculpt, paint, etc... NOPE.
I like doing those things but I am WAY WAY far from good at them. I can fake it better than most but that's about it :\

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