Friday, July 11, 2014

I should just retitle this blog....

.... to Obsessing & Bitching about everything lol

I looked up some nursery wall decals. Found some ADORABLE ones that someone is selling on etsy. PFFFT... overpriced shit. No way I'm paying that, I'll just "borrow" their design and paint it my damn self *nodnod*

I am not doing some huge thing like I did in Zoe's room. It's going to be a bit more stylistic looking and should be a lot easier to do. And it will be just straight up paint instead of using ConTact paper.

I just hope we get to the point of needing to do that stuff.

Looking at my pregnancy calender thing... I'm going to be 20w exactly on Halloween.
Wow, that just feels like ages away.
Again, just hope we make it to that point (and beyond).
I've been googling up pregnancy stuff so of course the worst case scenario posts show up. Makes me so nervous just knowing that there are still so many things that could go wrong.

I guess I can't really change anything though so I'm going to enjoy this while I can and look up all the baby crap :D

Going to find some baby related crochet patterns to do... look up cute nursery stuff and just enjoy the hell out of this while things are still looking good :)

Oh did I mention this site before?

Think it's showing my due date...
Anyway, you put in your due date and it lists every single day of your pregnancy and how far along you are. I've been to that page more times than I can count lol.

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