Tested a little earlier b/c I couldn't wait.
These tests are driving me crazy. The wondfos are not calming my paranoia at all. They're actually making it worse.
I took a FRER today too. It looks the same as 18dpo as I thought it probably would. I am NOT using the last one unless something happens that I feel like I should use it.
Test pics
It's really starting to freak me out. The wondfo is definitely lighter. Again, I know that doesn't mean a lot when it comes to these tests but it's still making me super worried :(
Really trying not to have a total panic attack here. I know I know that the lines are still nice and dark... I just can't help but worry.
Looking back at Zoe's tests is making me feel better.
Here are the 20dpo tests w/ her
And looking at all of the wondfo pics w/ her... I can see that the progression is ALL over the place.
I'm sure I was freaking out just as much then as I am now though lol.
EDIT #2:
And looking at the pee sticks w/ betas thread has calmed my nerves some. Looks like a lot of women's FRERs stop progressing at a certain point. And one woman had a beta of over 38k and her wondfo line still wasn't as dark as the control. She was probably experiencing that one thing though where the lines start getting lighter b/c hcg is so high. Can't remember the term for it.
Anyway, still makes me feel better.
I know my constant freaking out is tiresome.
Oh and I also told myself that I was going to try my hardest to not complain as much this pregnancy... especially near the end.
This could be the last time I'm ever pregnant and I want to cherish every moment of it... uncomfortable, tired, sick, whatever.
Try diluting your pee with the ICs as you may very well be experiencing the hook effect with them.
Hook effect!! Thank you! Lol, I could not remember what it was called.
I dunno if I am or not. I think these are just crap tests :P
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