Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rambling... actually it's mostly a vent heh

Bored before I go and lay down (feel a headache trying to start, plus I'm just tired from not sleeping well).

I am SO not looking forward to looking pregnant around strangers.
DH is already rubbing my stomach... and even though it's just fat he's rubbing right now, it's SO frackin sweet.
I know him, I know where his hands have been... even if those hands just got done scratching balls for the last half hour. That's my DH and my DH's balls... things I know very well! ;) lol

I can not understand why a total stranger would want to rub on a pregnant woman's stomach though. WHY?? They're not a fat Buddha... it's not going to bring you luck to rub on their stomach so keep your hands to yourself!
I sure as hell don't know where everyone's hands have been and quite frankly don't want to know which is another good reason for people to keep their gross ass scratching, crotch grabbing, snot picking, slobber covered hands to themselves!

And don't get me started on people invading baby's space as well. It's like the few people that have lower immune systems seem to be the ones EVERYONE wants to touch and get close to. BLEH!
Not saying babies should be totally isolated, but how about NOT getting within inches of my baby's face. You can see him/her just fine standing straight up and a few feet away. And no strange person, you CAN'T hold them for the same reason x10 as mentioned above about nasty hands.

I just heard a story the other day about a bunch of people in North Carolina that got sick w/ a certain bug that causes nausea, diarrhea, etc. They all ate at different Harbor Inns.... and guess how this certain bug is passed? Through SHIT.... yeah that's right... someone most likely didn't wash their hands after taking a shit or scratching their bare ass and then handled a bunch of food.

Not everyone is a filthy disgusting sack of bacteria waiting to infect all of us, but how am I supposed to know who is just by appearances alone.
For that reason......

Keep your damn hands to yourself!!!


socialite_baby said...

Not knowing where people's hands have been aside, it's just rude to touch a pregnant woman's belly! Would they do that with any other person walking through Target? Likely not. The belly isn't there just for weirdos to grab.

Ew about the shit germ passing! I have public restrooms near me where I work in our town hall and I can't tell you how many times someone (mainly women surprisingly) comes out of the bathroom after being in there for a good 10 minutes and walk out while the toilet is still flushing. I know there's no way in hell they washed their hands that fast or thoroughly! It's the same bathroom I have to use too so after washing my hands and touching the door knob to leave I always use the hand sanitizer on my desk to "reclean". People are just disgusting!

LisaL said...

Yes, people are disgusting and it is very surprising how many of those people are women.
It's like we're ALL led to believe that women are the cleaner of the genders and I'm sure that's true for the most part lol, but you would not be able to tell that looking at public restrooms... well in my experience w/ women's bathrooms since I've never been in a guy's heh.
I remember HATING having to use our HS bathrooms b/c they always stunk to high heaven... had piss ALL over the place NM the bloody tampons everywhere.

SLES75 said...

I never had anyone just come up and rub my belly. Most people asked and were OK if I said, I'm not comfortable with that. 90% of the people who did actually touch my belly were family and close friends.

and gross about the poopy hands....that's just nasty....I got sick with something like that a few years ago all because someone touched my stuff at work after taking care of a patient who was sick with it and forgot to wash their I don't let anyone even borrow a pen...I just give it to them...

Hope your headache wasn't too terrible..