Ya know, I have to admit... I really do want a boy first.
I know when we were still trying, I used to get upset by threads from people expressing how disappointed they are at having a boy instead of girl or vice versa.
I always thought that they should just be happy that they were going to have a baby and how they're ungrateful and all of those other jealous infertile thoughts.
And I do still feel that way sometimes when I come across those threads....
But now that I am pregnant, I really can't help but have this preferance.
It's not that I won't be happy with a girl first or will love the baby any less... I just really like the idea of having a boy first if that makes sense.
Even though I don't intentionally daydream about having a boy... it just always seems to be a boy in my baby fantasies and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be a little disappointed if we are having a girl. Only disappointed for a short time though. I'm sure I would get over it quickly and be thankful that everything was ok :)
GAH, even saying that though makes me feel like I'm ungrateful which I'm SO totally not.
UGH I hope this makes sense. Obviously I'm not a writer so can't express what I mean very well :P
I was the same way. We tried for 2 years and finally got pregnant; the hubby and I both wanted a boy REALLY bad! The big reveal day we found out we were having a girl and were both super bummed. We quickly realized that a healthy baby was what was important. Fast forward 3 years and I wouldn't change anything. Having a daughter is amazing, we have such a wonderful bond and my hubby is completely wrapped. Now we are having a boy and it is so great to see how excited she is and how much of a little mother she already is. I definitely think a boy wouldn't be as excited about an upcoming sibling! lol.
I wasn't necessarily bummed when we found out Raegan was a girl, but I was terrified. My sister has boys and that's really all I know. My brother has girls, but I rarely see them...
And Rian is right, although she has 3 year on me. I can't imagine it any differently. I'm adjusting to a girl and figuring it out...
It's perfectly OK to want one or the other. That's normal. But no matter what a healthy baby is the most important thing....
And yes you made perfect sense....at least I got it LOL
Dh and I wanted a boy and were a little bummed that we were having a girl. I felt guilt for possibly passing on my infertile problems to my daughter (and I am sure I will always struggle with that), however I couldn't imagine not having a girl now. Athena is amazing and now don't know if I would want a boy. No matter boy or girl, the day that baby is born you will feel a love you never knew possible!
Thanks ladies :) I've read exactly what you're describing.
People w/ disappointment at first, when they have their LO, they can't imagine it any other way which is just.. I dunno.. amazing.
I can't wait to meet our LO :)
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