Monday, February 13, 2012

One more time

I tried looking for the HB one more time. Drank a lot of water and waited until I was about to burst before looking.

Found the pulse that I was getting before and then started looking around a bit more. Found a very similiar pulse all around down there, much fainter so thinking it could possibly be the cord? *shrugs*
I FINALLY found something though... it was very faint and I only got it for maybe 5 seconds, but it was faster and had that galloping sound. I couldn't get video of it b/c it was so faint and I moved just a little and totally lost it and couldn't find it again. Guess the LO didn't like all of that prodding around so decided to hide :P

I'm fairly certain it was the baby I heard... at least I'm REALLY hoping so hehe.

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