Saturday, February 4, 2012

Quad Screening

At my 16w appointment, they'll be asking me if I want it done.
I've already talked to DH about it and we're both in agreement to having it done.

It scares me though to be honest. It doesn't give you a definate answer and if something does come back wonky... the stress waiting to find out if something is actually wrong from more testing would be brutal.

It also doesn't help w/ my parents past.
Both were healthy, in their early to mid 20's and their first born had down syndrome and a multitude of other problems that I don't even know.
I talk about it like this b/c it was years before I was born and they never talked about it. The only mention my brother and I had an older sister was whenever we came upon a photo of her in an album.
I think she may have had a heart problem which eventually led to her death at the age of 4 or 5 and I know she was much smaller than a child her age and couldn't walk. But I know that b/c of photos of her in a wheelchair.
Like I said, my parents rarely talked about her which is really heartbreaking.

If getting a screening done, and possibly an amnio if something comes back abnormal can give us answers and help us prepare for a special needs baby, then I want that.
I don't want to give birth thinking everything is fine and come to find out, it's not. I think everyone, including inlaws and my side would need to be prepared for it as well.. if for nothing else than just the thought of having a special needs baby in the family. Ya know?

I hate thinking about it... no one gets pregnant expecting anything to be wrong, but UGH you just don't know sometimes.
I totally understand why some couples don't want it done and that's totally fine... I just have to though.

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