Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby Names

When I was talking to my SiL yesterday waiting on my nieces to get out of school, she told me to stay away from baby name forums.
I wasn't planning on going to one anyway, but was curious why.
She said that she posted on some to get opinions. She was actually thinking about using the name Addison for her youngest daughter but was basically told that it was an awful name for a girl, and blahblahblah.
Just ridiculous IMO.
I mean... who cares what someone wants to name their child. Unless it's something that is just straight up terrible like Hitler or some shit.... what do I care what you name your kid and why do you care what I name mine?
Ya know?
I'm CURIOUS about the names that others pick, and sure I like some more than others, but in the end... not my baby.

It just sucks that b/c of these anonymous posters opinions and probably that comboed w/ preg hormones made her 2nd guess her choices.

Lemme say.... I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about the names we picked out.
They're names both DH and I have chosen and that's all that matters.
If his family or my own don't like what we pick... tough shit for them. They're just gonna have to learn how to deal with it and then get over it.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Yeah that is why I never understood why people post name choices at all. I don't mind sharing mine, but I also don't care what people think. I've had people ask for opinions on names in my due date club and I just wonder to myself . . . what am I going to say . . . no I hate that name? I've never understood that.