Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I dunno..

What to write about here....

Hmmm, taking my blood sugar level every 2 hours after I eat a meal is a bit annoying, but gotta do what I gotta do.
Levels seem to be fine so far. My fasting level this morning was kinda high though.
It's supposed to be under 95, and mine was at 90.
BUT my level 2hrs after eating breakfast (kiwi, 3 eggs cooked in half a tbs of butter), was only 94. Yeah that's not a lot of carbs, but would think it would be more than that *shrugs*
I think the reason my fasting level is so high is b/c I had some popcorn last night at around 8-8:30. Even still.. wouldn't think it would cause a problem after that long though. Oh well... we'll see what it is tomorrow I guess... no popcorn tonight.

Did go to the store and picked up some more apples and some sugar free things.
Bought some sugar free chocolate pudding and sugar free chocolate bar. They still have a good bit of carbs in them though so not like I can just inhale them down without having to worry about it heh. But still.. just glad there are sugar free options out there so I can have at least something sweet other than fruit every once in a while.

The LO was having a party in there this morning.
Was laying on my right side and all I could feel was a constant bubbly feeling with a few kicks or punches thrown in there lol.
Hmm good way to describe the feeling. It was like if I had a straw attached to me and someone was blowing in to it like they would a drink. That make sense?
It wasn't a little bubbles feeling, but like a big bubbly er.. thing *shrugs*

DH made me exercise yesterday. Well, didn't MAKE me. I only did about 7min on the eliptical.
So sad, but that's all I could manage at a slow pace. My lower ab right above pubic bone on the left side started to ache like crazy and wouldn't go away.
It's still bothering me today actually. Walking around the grocery store was... not pleasant.

I'll keep it up though. Well, not today.... maybe do it every other day and I'm sure once my body is used to it, I'll be able to actually stick with it for longer.
I guess serves me right for being such a couch potato heh.

Well ya know... for not knowing what to write about at first.. I sure did end up writing a long post :P

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