UUUUUGH... teaches me to frickin google!
I'm now REALLY concerned about my blood pressure.
It was borderline high before getting pregnant and has stayed the same after, but who is to say it will continue on that path now.
Just so afraid that I'm going to get pre-e.
Also afraid that I'm gaining weight too quickly now.
Took a shower after I ate lunch so I know my weight was up a little b/c of that, but still.. I'm up to 208 today.
I know I'm still bloated, not as much as before, but.... I dunno.... just UGH everything is worrying me right now :(
I was gonna go work on the painting some today but think I'll just go lay on the couch and sulk a bit lol. Sigh.......
*Big hugs* Praying for you. Sometimes they alarm people when they shouldn't :-(
What was your BP? I had really high blood pressure with my first pregnancy and ended up hospitalized (though never developed into pre-e). I think my dr told me that high blood pressure before 20-24 weeks is a general underlying condition and not pregnancy related/induced, so it might just be something you have to stay on top of and won't develop into pre-e.
Start taking your blood pressure every day/every other day and keeping a log to show your dr. They can figure out if its trending up or staying the same. They won't get really worried about it until around 32 weeks or so!
My bp is kinda high to me. It's around 140/80's about.
That's what it was before pregnancy too.
DH says it's a high but shouldn't be a concern yet.
I'll def keep an eye on it every day though. We bought a bp thing and never used it :\ Guess I will now.
Hey hun just wanted to let you know I also have high blood pressure (usually 140/80) that developed around 20 weeks. I am 29 weeks now and they have started me on some meds for it which has brought it down. They test my urine every appt for protein and so far it's been all clear. I was stressed too at first but I think it's not uncommon. Also wanted to say I love reading your blog, it's nice to read a preg blog by someone who is curvy too :)
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