Friday, April 13, 2012


The next time you see my profile pic... it's gonna be of me strangling our cat.
I knew he was gonna do it again, but I was hoping he wouldn't.
Sure enough, woke up to more poop and piss on the carpet. Can't do anything about it right now b/c of have the animals locked in a bedroom while the termite ppl do their thing.

I'm going to kill that cat.
Need to buy more of that Nature Made spray shit. Poured the rest we had on the new spot today. It cleans up the stain well, no idea on the smell since my nose is pretty stuffy most of the time.

Last night was another terrible night's sleep. I don't have any signs of having a cold except for this stuffy nose. Don't have that kind of groggy feeling.. nada...
My nose is on full flow w/ the snot too. I swear I've never blown my nose this much and have this much come out of it before. It's gross and I'm going through tissue like it's going out of style.
Surprised my nose isn't all red b/c I have to wipe/blow it so much.

Actually SAW baby girl kicking from the outside last night.
It was right after dinner. She was moving around a lot, kicking up at my waist line. Decided to lift up my shirt just to see if I could see anything, and yep :D It wasn't hugely obvious or anything. DH couldn't tellt he difference from me breathing and her kicks but I could. It was subtle but def there.
I don't think I'll ever have the oppurtunity to see a hand or foot print from the outside, but just seeing a small little bump/bulge is still pretty cool.

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