Tuesday, April 10, 2012

22 weeks

Well, this last week seemed to go by quickly thank goodness. Not sure why but I'm not complaining.

Got in one of the dresses/skirts I ordered yesterday.
Took my weekly bump shot along with a photo in the dress.

First up... bump shot.... now compared to 20w
Wow.... looking at the 2.. my upper stomach has REALLY pooched out lol

And photo of me in the dress. It fits perfectly right now which kinda worries me b/c I know I'm gonna be HUGE in probably just another couple weeks. *shrugs* We'll see how well it fits later on.
I really like it though. Bought it off of ebay. It's preowned but in great condition... and I like that I actually look pregnant in it and not just fat lol. The extra cloth part hides the lower ugly pooch part well :P heh

UUUUUGH I'm so tired. Probably going to take a nap.
Didn't actually get back to sleep until around 4 something this morning. THEN I had to wake up to fix DH breakfast, and THEN I woke up at 7:30 so I could shower and then take the car in.

I HATE having to take the car in b/c it takes forever.... forever equaling 2.5hrs today and $140 poorer... bleh.

Drinking extra water before going to bed did nothing. I'm sure it helped though that I hadn't really had much earlier. I dunno what it is but I REALLY dislike getting something to drink at someone else's home. So yeah, we were at SiL's all night basically and I had only had 1 small cup of tea.
When we finally got home, I chugged down almost 3 glasses of water within 10mins before going to bed.
Still woke up with my mouth super dry and throat painful and scratchy.
I barely had to use the bathroom too so that tells me I was pretty dehydrated even with all that I did end up drinking before bed.
Not doing that again...


Kellie Rose said...

You look great!

Anonymous said...

You look so cute in that dress. I would def know you were pregnant. But sadly yes you will probably out grow that dress pretty quickly. You will balloon out at about 30 weeks (I did anyways) then the real fun begins... Peeing every 5 minutes and the waddle! But its all worth it, I kinda miss my belly.