Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wide Awake

It's 3:17am currently and I'm wide awake.
Woke up at 1:30 actually and finally at 2:30 decided that I wasn't getting back to sleep any time soon so might as well get up until I'm tired again. Hasn't happened yet though so here I am to ramble on about stuff.

Worked on nursery some more yesterday. Got interrupted by my mom wanting to go pick strawberries though lol.  It's all good though, I'll just start back up later today.
I don't have too much more to do to the actual wall. Some touching up mostly and need to do shading on the bottom portion which will be nice since I can just sit my butt on the floor.
I hate getting up on the stepping ladder thing. It's only 2 steps up.. that's it, but I get vertigo easily and being pregnant, I just don't like getting on to it.
I have that then it's time to start drawing then cutting out the figures and such.

I'm so sick of people making snide comments about us wanting to cloth diaper.
We saw DH's family yesterday for a small get together for FiL's birthday. He told them then that we're going to CD, and of course it was met with snickers and comments about how they'll give it a month.
Pretty much the exact same shit my brother said that pissed me off before.

I think the only person that actually thought it was a good idea was my mom when I told her.

I mean really... what's so damn shocking about wanting to CD? Excuse me if I don't want to have a garbage bin full of stanky old crusty disposables. Excuse me if I want to save some money (in the long run). NM the whole adding to landfills thing.
Geeze.. tell people you want to CD and they stare at you like you've just sprouted a 2nd head.

In more mundane news... gotta take the car in today. Been putting off taking it in b/c I hate sitting there waiting for it lol. Plus I just feel SO awkward for some reason b/c I have no clue on anything car related. I know how to drive one, and I know where the gas goes.. and yeah.. that's it lol.
It needs to be done though. Think I'm about 1000m over when I should've taken it in heh.... oops.

UGH, someone posted on a forum about a very very small observation (or study as I think the article put it), about how being fat, having diabetes and high blood pressure etc could be a cause for autism.
Oh that sure sounds horrific! Until you read that they only looked in to 1000 cases.

Seriously, that's not even a speck of dirt on a beach. I understand that all studies need a starting point, but why post shit like that when they KNOW it's going to make women get all paranoid, as if we already don't have enough to be paranoid about.

I hate articles like that that try to make it sound like it's 100% proven fact, ya know?

My body is not liking fried chicken. Had some for dinner and been burping it up since. No heartburn or anything, just every once in a while, I'll burp and a tiny bit will up come. BLEH.
It was tasty though heh

We have our first class tonight (Tuesday). It's just for the car seat safety thing though and we're not sure if we need to bring a carseat or not.
One thing says no, another says yes. BUT the thing is, we need to take the class in order to get the discount on the carseats offered by the hospital... so... yeah.
Guess we'll find out tonight!

Alrighty... think I'm gonna try to get back to sleep... we'll see how successful that is.

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