Monday, September 1, 2014

2 toddlers don't go together

So DH was told that Zoe and her cousins were outside playing and that if whoever hadn't stepped in, Zoe and her other toddler cousin (who is about 10m older) would've gotten in to a fight.
I can't help but LOL. Of course they wouldn't fight fight, would probably be someone gets pushed down and they start crying :P
But still... yeah, not sure what his family expected.
The other toddler is in full blown terrible 2's going in to terrible 3's. She's the epitome of a toddler. She doesn't listen, discipline (at least what they do) doesn't work, her and Zoe are possessive, so yeah... not surprising in the least.
I'm sure they'll be buddies when they're older, but right now... pfffft.

I'm feeling so off right now.
It's like I'm constantly dehydrated even though I THINK I'm drinking enough. Plus I've gotten headaches the last 2 days.
Going to try to drink more to see if it helps.

Checked w/ doppler just a little bit ago and after a little bit of searching found our little choochoo train chugging along. He/she must've moved though b/c we (DH and I) didn't hear it for long. Oh well... just keep doing your thing LO :)

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