Saturday, September 13, 2014

Adjusted time 14w :D

Yeah, I still feel like I'm cheating by using my LMP time but oh well :P

Today is going to be rough. I'm not having gagging fits but I am having an overall nauseous BLAH feeling today.
Ate some toast w/ peanut butter and jelly and it is not sitting right with me at all. Feels like indigestion with slight heartburn.
Also feels like I'm dehydrated which is not helping anything.

Also doesn't help that DH made plans to go shooting with his friends today. Now I don't really mind it, but with the way I'm feeling, it would be nice to have him here to watch Zoe so I could relax and do nothing lol.
Plus I think we have some birthday party to go to. For who? I have no idea. Some distant relative. But his family F-ing loves social get togethers and jump at the opportunity to go to everything so we'll probably end up going when he gets back. Maybe I can use my pregnancy and feeling sick as an excuse to leave early lol.

Hopefully this sicky feeling goes away.

I really wish this aching would go away. Holy crap it sucks. It's all up in my lower back, radiates down to my hips and covers my lower abdomen. It's worse if I'm sitting in my computer chair (it's ok right now but will get worse as the day goes on) or sitting in the car. And trying to sleep w/ the ache SUCKS. It takes me forever to find a comfortable position. Just can't believe all of this is starting so soon. I didn't feel this bad until 3rd tri the first time around LOL.
Oh well... it all comes with the territory and while I'll complain, I'm stll thrilled to be pregnant.

MiL brought up SiL last night. I asked if she knew if the IUI worked yet and nope... not yet. She should know soon though. It's been 2 weeks since MiL told me about it unless she got her information wrong.
I really hope it works for her.

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