Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanks Zoe

She woke at 4.... pacifier let her sleep until 5. I fed her and she was falling asleep near the end. She went to sleep immediatly and slept until 8:30!!!! And even then, she played quietly in her crib until 9.... so WOOOOO thank you baby girl for letting me sleep in some.
I probably could've slept until noon, but I'll take what I can get.

Now if she would just nap better during the day.

I haven't pumped today. Don't plan on it if I can help it. Keep getting random stabbing pains in my left boob, but those are few and far between.

Have a few bottles of breastmilk left. Been giving her one bottle in the morning to try to extend it a bit. She seems to be taking mostly formula well though. Hasn't been causing constipation. Wish I had paid attention to her eczema though. Her cheeks have been looking bad and I'm not sure if it started when she started to get more formula.

DH wants to make our own baby food for her. That is fine with me so long as he doesn't expect me to do it all.
I don't really have a problem with buying babyfood though but it does get expensive which is the main reason he wants to make her food.

Alrighty... munchkin is awake from her 20 minute nap.... I have some photos to post eventually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woot!! Go Zoe!
I hope your BB feels better!