Friday, December 21, 2012

I want to punch

SO many people lol.

Not going to say who b/c I don't want to piss anyone off, but yeah... hormones are getting the better of me here.
I know they're out of whack right now b/c I'm still weepy, or getting extra pissy. And this damn dull headache will not frickin go away!!!

Anyway, DH and I had unprotected sex last night. OOOOOOOOOOMGPREGNANT!
Pfft yeah right. I wish it was that easy for us. I wish we were the kind of couple that actually has to be careful.

I am going to take a OPK today though. Maybe start using them daily again if I remember to.
I think the ones I have expire in march so gotta use them all up by then anyway.

Zoe has been SO demanding. She does not like it when I'm out of her site and will start to cry and scream.
I love snuggling up with her, but mommy has some shit to do damnit! lol
Like taking a crap for instance. That's just something that can't be rushed :P

I can't wait for her to start talking. Or at least say poop. B/c she is not a baby that likes sitting in her own poop. She cries her eyes out until we finally figure it out. And it's pretty funny b/c she stops crying and will actually get cheery when we're headed to the nursery to change her poopy diaper. I hope this keeps up, maybe it will make potty training easier.
And b/c all new parents are obsessed with their baby's poo...
Zoe's poo has been rabbit pellets. She def does not have liquid poo any longer.
It's either rabbit pellets or a larger squishy turd. I'm not complaining b/c it makes clean up A LOT easier.

Anywho, she is awake... I had my 20mins of alone time. Time to go be momma now ;) hehe

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