Monday, December 10, 2012

Believe in Santa?

So there was a thread on a forum where the mom didn't see the point in Santa etc.
That is fair enough. If a family doesn't want to do the whole Santa thing.. that is totally fine... what Pissed me off was another comment from someone that got up on their high horse saying that they're not going to LIE to their child and if their kid tells other children that Santa isn't real, it won't be their fault that those kids parents decided to LIE to them.....
You know what I have to say to that person?


Yeah that's harsh of me but what kind of fucking killjoy piece of shit pretentious holier than thou would say something like that??

Teach your kid whatever you fucking want, but make sure to also teach them to RESPECT what others believe or at least not ruin harmless fun for everyone else... geeze.....

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