Wednesday, December 19, 2012

19 weeks

Man, has a week gone by already?

Anywho, gotta make this quick. Zoe has been awake in her crib for a while and she's getting frustrated lol.

I shouldn't complain about her sleep, but damnit, I'm going to.
She is still sttn for the most part. Every night I do have to get up to reinsert her pacifier, and most of the time that puts her back to sleep, but there are a few nights where she'll be wide awake and won't go to sleep for a few hours.
She's getting in to the habit of waking up just before 6 though and that suuuuuuuuucks.
Hopefully my body gets used to it soon.

Zoe doesn't seem to enjoy her playmat as much any longer.

She does love her exersaucer though.

She was SUPER clingy yesterday and didn't want to spend hardly any time away from me. If I walked away for a minute she would start crying.

That spotting I was having has stopped. Not even a hint of it. WTF body??

I REALLY need to start losing weight again! It's useless trying to start before Christmas, but thankfully there are no more family get together make you fat holidays after it so sticking to a diet should be a lot easier.
There is Valentines Day but a nice steak dinner that is in line with our diet at home sounds good.

Uh, I think that's it... so... photos!

Tried getting Zoe to play on her mat for a bit.
It didn't go too well..

Tummy time wasn't much better. Lots of flailing around and crying although the photos don't really show that heh

So I helped her sit up for a little bit. She actually did like that...
She can sit up on her own for maybe a second or 2 but will then topple over heh

And then I tried her in her bumbo for a  little bit. She was ok in it for a while, but I think by then she was tired. She did look adorable sitting in it though :D
My pretty girl


Kellie Rose said...

She is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow, 19 weeks!! I love her faces :-) Too cute!