Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Just took this photo....
Tried on the maternity sweater that I bought. Love it but it needs to get A LOT colder before I'll wear it.

I still look huge, but at least I look pregnant now heh... well in this shirt at least. In reg clothes I'm still sure I just look fat.

Oh and here's a cute photo of Zoe going to church on Sunday in her pretty dress and 'monster' shoes ;)
And another one in her dress just b/c she's so pretty in it :D

Gosh, just looked through a folder w/ her photos and it's crazy how much she's grown from when she first started walking. I still look at her and see my baby, but looking at her when she was an actual baby... she looks like a little girl *cry*

1 comment:

Ttccoconutt83 said...

Awwww your daughter is sooo cute !!!! Im having some trouble looking for materinty clothes i a little plumpy though .. Old navy plus sized jeans are only half panel but full panel just feels sooooo right ..: the struggle is real!!