Saturday, February 14, 2015

Weirdness (TMI)

So I had a weird dream last night that I need to share.
DH and I were for some reason sleeping inside of a Target.
It's early morning and DH wakes me up wanting to get his freak on. So we start going at it... and that's when our cat that was sleeping in the bed with us starts to moan... like a man having sex. Why? B/c he wants to lure people over to our area so we'd be too embarrassed to continue so we'd have to feed him.

o_O WTF?

Just...... what?? LOL

Way to ruin a completely pleasant dream brain! SIGH!

Ok another weirdness and a bit TMI.... I have montgomery glands on my areolas. No big deal and I've had them for forever.
Well sometimes, they'll get a build up of the oils so I'll squeeze them a bit to clean them out. I know that sounds so gross but it's not as gross as it sounds? lol
Anywho, I did that yesterday and I swear I can squeeze out a little bit of colostrum from some of them.
Again... WTF?
I thought that it was just the natural oil they make at first but no... it's definitely not that. It looks like colostrum.

Anywho... I'm not having any leaking issues, but seems as though my breasts are getting ready for baby boy b/c I can get a little bit of colostrum from my actual nips now. It's not a lot at all... maybe a drop lol.

And speaking of baby food.... I haven't signed up for any kind of free samples from anywhere, but last week, I got a big box of free similac stuff in the mail. Like a couple of premixed formula bottles, a can of powder stuff etc.
I'm not complaining about it... but ..... where the hell did they even get my information?? o_O

Zoe peed in the potty again last night! WOO!
After reading some helpful tips on potty training that we got from her doc office... we're trying to get on a potty time schedule. Or well... it's just right before bed atm, but I'll be adding in more once I figure out when some good times would be.
But we did it last night. Before putting her in her night night clothes & diaper, we let her sit on her potty and she peed in it a little bit at first. Then kept wanting to sit and play on it. I was playing around with her and telling her she has to push it out and making a scrunchy face. She started copying me and a couple minutes later... she peed again... A LOT more than the first time.
YAY Zoe! :D

I tried getting her to do some potty time this morning but she wasn't having any of it. Just wanted to get dressed again and be on her merry way lol. It's a work in progress :)

She's developing some bad habits though. She bites her nails. Not sure when b/c I never see her do it while I'm with her. She must do it after we put her down for the night or something.
Also, she's getting in to the gross habit of putting her hair in to her mouth and sucking on it. Like getting it wet and sucking the moisture off of it. BLEH!
She's been doing that with her shirts too. I always get her to stop when I see her do it b/c just... bleh... do not need her getting in to those bad habits.
The nail biting thing though.. not sure what to do since I never see her do it. Maybe buy some cute non toxic nail polish for her could help. But then she might be more compelled to do it.... I dunno. I'll probably try it out.

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