Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Gonna get some stuff done!!

Ok so maybe not ALL of it, but some of it at least will be done today!
Our living room carpets are looking like a gross mess right now. Didn't help matters when Zoe dropped a few plops of chocolate pudding on the floor yesterday so now there are nice BIG brown stains to add to all of the other stains.
Oh off white carpet... how I loathe thee!

About to go finally start cleaning the carpets in the "dining room" aka the room w/ the big fish tank in it :P Hoping it won't take that long and hoping my back cooperates with all of the bending I have to do. Sure I'll be sitting doing it but it still wreaks havoc on my back.

Also really need to do the dishes. I've been slacking SO bad and it's piled up quite a bit. There are funny smells coming from the sink and that's just gross and embarrassing to admit to.
But no more! That will get done today too. Should've started on that earlier but oh well. Better late than never.

UGH, I feel like a terrible mom. Zoe doesn't want to eat anything I cook so all she really eats is junk.
The only thing she eats that is normal food is bacon and steak, but those are too expensive. We have steak maybe every other week and bacon.. maybe once a week if it was on sale and in stock.
I cook for her... she'll take one bite and then won't eat anymore.
I know it's not my fault b/c I do try, but it still makes me feel like a failure too. I just want her to eat damnit and not just survive off of things that should only be for snacking.

Toddler 1.... Mom 0.

BLEH! Just looked at my next appointment and it's at 9am. Booooo
Means I have to get up early dangit lol. At least it's just the NST though so hopefully I won't have to wait long to start it.

Also glanced at the rest of my doc appointments and I don't think I actually see the doctor doing my c-sec before the c-sec. I think I've only seen her once this entire time. I had to look up their website to make sure she was the person I thought she was lol. Oh well...
So long as she gets my boy out and we're both happy and healthy, that's all that matters to me.

Just opened the amazon orders I got in yesterday.
Think we got almost everything and I'm a little disappointed. I ordered 3 plushies. One is Iron Man which looks fine... one is Superman... also looks ok, but Oren won't be able to play with that one for quite some time since it has beads for eyes. And then a Super Grover doll that is TINY. He also won't be able to play with that one for a bit b/c it's a bean filled plushie.
Sure the Grover one was only just over $7 but it looks like it should be more in the 3-5 range. It's SUPER small. Boooooo
I still don't understand why it's so dang hard to find affordable superhero plushies.

The 2 blankets we got though are super cute. Have them in the washer right now... just haven't started it yet b/c lazy........

I've started on a cute little crochet superhero teddy bear pattern I found. It's turning out to be A LOT smaller than the photo made it look lol. Oh well. Should be adorable when it's finished though.

I was working on the ninja turtles one, but the pattern I printed off is incomplete. They used someone else's instructions and just link to it in a few spots instead of copying it to their own pattern. I want to watch other crap while I crochet... not have to have the crochet pattern up to look at while I'm doing it, ya know? BLEH!
So I think with what I've made so far (the head), I'm going to try to turn it in to a security blanket. Should come out ok I think.

Alrighty, wasted enough time... gotta get to work.

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