Friday, February 6, 2015

Random again

Nothing much to report on but still feel the need to post something.

Dh visited his grandpa yesterday. Something else went wrong. He's having kidney problems now so wasn't able to do the PT that he was supposed to start.
DH thinks it's probably just dehydration since his grandfather isn't drinking nearly as much as he should be.
I don't doubt it. His grandfather is pigheaded and doesn't like eating or drinking a lot when he's in the hospital which obviously is not good for his health.
I remember the 2 times he was in the hospital getting his knees fixed, he lost A LOT of weight b/c he ate like a bird and of course had to stay longer b/c he wasn't healing up as quickly as he should have.

Some people... ya know.

Anyway, sounds like his family was a bit disappointed that I didn't bring Zoe over to visit. I honestly don't really care. Yes, it was selfish of me. I have no excuse for it.

My next appointment is in the afternoon too and again... if they're still in the hospital.. I'm not going to stop by then either. *shrugs*

I always feel like people are judging me when they see Zoe sitting in the waiting room w/ my phone or the kindle in her hands lol. I know so many people are so anti-technology for kids, or at least limited (while they have their noses in their own phone 24/7... *eyeroll*)... but if they saw how she acted without the distraction... they wouldn't judge at all. They'll learn.... oh yes.... they'll learn.

Oh my gosh... Zoe was letting out the LOUDEST farts ever the other day. I mean just house rattling ones. All I could do was sit there staring wide eyed at her and say "WOW" lol. It's crazy how someone so little could produce that kind of sound out of their booty rofl.

Zoe's being destructive right now. Taking one of her tattered coloring books and ripping up the really messed up pages. Sigh...
Is it bad that I'm letting her do it b/c she's being quiet? lol

Her next appointment is next Wed I think. Not sure if she's getting any shots. Not really sure what they'll be doing other than the usual. Just hope she doesn't catch anything while we wait like she did before. I do not want to get another cold at the end of this pregnancy.

I had a proud nerdy mom moment yesterday. Gave her her gummi Star Wars vitamin. There are 3 different ones. Black one is Darth Vader, Green one is Boba Fett, Yellow is Storm Trooper.
Gave her the green one and Zoe pointed to it and said "Boba Fett!" without any prompting or reminding of who it was. She's gonna grow up to be such a nerdy kid and I love it hehe.

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