Monday, February 9, 2015


So, I had my appointment. It all went really quick thankfully.

Got my ultrasound and Oren is once again breech lol.
Was not expecting that :P He's been moving a lot but I can't say that I felt him turn. Guess that was why I didn't feel much yesterday b/c he was back to breech position.
Not that it matters but still... dang boy! heh He's enjoying the room while he still has it I guess.

He looked good though. No measurements this appointment, but they did check amniotic fluid again and it's back in normal range and of course checked his heartbeat & movement. Everything looked good. Looked like he was sleeping but he moved enough to satisfy the criteria.

Learned that I had to get the GBS swab today. Joy... :\
It was really quick but still humiliating lol. I mean it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but come on.. who the heck wants their butt swabbed. I was so tempted to warn the OB about the sasquatch I grow down below :P lol

Also asked about having to stop liquids when I fast before the c-sec. 8 hrs for solids, 2 hrs for clear liquids. But she said that I should stop liquids a bit sooner just in case they bump my appointment up earlier. So that's good to know. Was afraid I was going to have to stop drinking when I stopped eating and be all dehydrated when I went in. Glad that won't be the case.

Our poor dogs. I knew it was supposed to rain some today. Thought it was just sprinkles but nope. Drove home in super heavy down pour and felt SO bad b/c I thought I was going to come home to soaked puppies.
Thankfully b/c of the gutters, they had a small area that was still dry so huddle in and were only just sprinkled on lol. Oops.....

We did buy a little crate for the puppy to put him in. Will remember to use that next time if there's a chance for rain lol.

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