Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wasting time

Only bad thing about afternoon appointments (other than the possibility of getting stuck in rush hour traffic).... is the wait.

Just wasting time until I take a shower and get ready to go.

My BH contractions seem to be full bump now and has been for a couple of days. Usually notice them in the late evening.
I seriously do not remember ever having them with Zoe. I'm sure I probably did and just thought it was her pressing out.

UGH, DH told me that we may have to watch my niece this weekend..... the one that's 10m older than Zoe.
I know this is going to sound horrible, but GOOD GAWD I HOPE NOT!!!
Terrible 2's... no..... DEMON 3's is more like it. And get her with Zoe.... all hell breaks loose. They feed off of eachother's chaos.
It's one of the reasons why I was hoping my hospital stay would be on a weekend b/c MiL would've only had Zoe to watch for a couple of those days. But on a weekday.. she'll have them both and just... UGH.
Obviously we'll watch her if we must, but... pls pls pls I hope not!!!

Hmmm, something else I wanted to mention but I can't remember now. Oh well. I'm sure it will come to me when I'm trying to get back to sleep tonight lol.

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