Saturday, February 7, 2015


It's 3am and I've been up for an hour.
Woke up just before 2. Actually woke up feeling pretty well rested and like I had been asleep for forever, but nope.
Sigh..... hoping I'll get tired again in another hour or so, but until then... I have some time to waste.

Now, I know going to the dentist can be expensive. Hell, we have dental insurance and it's still F-ing expensive to go, but if your breath is so bad that you would kill kittens if you breathed on them.. how about popping in a piece of gum or a mint in to your mouth??

One of DH's aunts (not THE aunt that Zoe loves)... has the worst breath ever. She knows it smells, yet she mouth breathes and just enjoys talking SO much. She's not a totally bad person (she is pretty racist though which is just.. well.. that's a whole other matter) and I totally understand not being able to afford a trip to the dentist to get whatever is wrong fixed, but damn woman... I know you can smell your own breath!! Chew some damn gum or suck on a breath mint PLEASE!

We visited DH's grandpa in the hospital this evening and I had to sit by her and holy crap..... It took everything in me not to start gagging uncontrollably. I did actually gag once, but managed to hide the fact by pretending I was just clearing my throat. Probably shouldn't have hid it so she would know that she's gotta at least try to do something about it.
And I kept yawning continuously b/c I kept trying to breath very shallow so I wouldn't smell it.
Just imagine being downwind of some week old road kill that's been stewing in hot garbage juice. Yeah... THAT bad.

It's like BO.... there's just no easy way to tell someone they stink without coming off as a giant dick.
The person probably knows they stink, but everyone is too polite to point it out.

DH finally felt some good strong movements tonight. We just laid down to go to bed and Oren usually gets pretty active then. Tonight was no different and I mentioned that Oren was kicking Pippin's ass (the puppy half lays on my stomach and my hugging pillow). So DH scooted over and put his hand on my bump. Thought it was going to be like every other time where DH does it and baby boy would stop.
Well he did stop but then started kicking up a storm. Some REALLY good kicks in there right where DH had his hand. So glad he could feel him :)

We should be getting the rest of the crap we need in preparation for Oren today. The only expensive thing we need is another monitor and that shouldn't be too much.
We'll be using Zoe's motion sensing one for Oren and getting whatever regular hopefully cheapy one for her. Not sure what's out there now. DH is supposed to be looking in to it, but we got home so late tonight that he didn't have a chance.
Guess I could do some research in to that while I'm trying to waste some time.

DH's grandpa is doing better. They actually got him up and walking some today. He has little movement in his right side now which is better than it was before. He couldn't even lift his leg or his arm before, but he can a little bit now.
They're hoping he'll be able to get moved to the PT place today. Really hope so.

I started shampooing the carpets in front of the pantry today. Did that small area along w/ the carpet in the butler's pantry (fancy term for extra storage lol).... and that was it.
I was going to do more but got side tracked. Hoping I'll feel up to doing the dining room later. It's not too bad in there thankfully so I shouldn't have to go over too many spots multiple times.
There are some old dog stained spots. Think one of them is an old doggy diarrhea spot. Lovely.....
Just hope the stain will lift even though it's a few years old lol.

And that's it for now I guess. Just yawned so hopefully that's a good sign that I'll be back in bed snoozing soon.

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