Monday, February 9, 2015

Photos and more

Before I forget to do it again, here are some photos!

First up, the 2 u/s photos from the last appointment on thursday.
First one is weird alien baby, 2nd is weird scary freaky mouth baby :P

Zoe photo!! Yep, that's yogurt all over her face once again. I gave her one thinking that maybe... just maybe she had grown out of doing this, but as you can see.. I was wrong.

The Iron Man doll I made. :D

And the nursery w/ stuff on the walls :D
The Captain America and Deadpool posters are actually printed on metal and are hung up using a strong magnet. DH saw it online somewhere and thought it was neat. The Deadpool one really doesn't match the room so we may put it somewhere else and get a different one. We'll see.

The emblems and Oren things I made along with the Thor hammer nightlight.

And the toy net. Not sure it really looks like Spiderman is shooting a web out to make it but oh well. Not perfect but it will do heh. Just need to fill it with more toys!

Everything is mostly done though. Just need to wash some stuff, like the swing, rock n play, etc covers and whatnot.
But yeah, I think we're good to go for new baby... at least on the decorative side of things hehe.

I think Zoe has caught another cold. Her nose was really runny a couple of days ago and she's been sneezing. UGH I hope not. It will mean I'm going to get it and I do not want to be sick for the last bit of my pregnancy. Already going to be uncomfortable as it is... don't need to tack on being sick.

1 comment:

Mlove said...

I love the spiderman net! The whole room is fantastic!