Monday, February 2, 2015

Hot and cold

Last night sucked for sleep. BOOOOOO
When I slept, I slept well, it was just getting back to sleep that became a problem.
I woke up sweating so I kicked off the blankets, but then I'd get cold, so I'd put them back on and instantly get hot again. There was no balance. I had to pick one or the other.
Then, I had mild heartburn/indigestion which didn't help matters.
Just not a fun night at all.

Yesterday afternoon wasn't fun either. I felt AWFUL. Just an overall BLAH feeling. Thankfully that got better after I ate more. Guess my sugar was going down too low or something, I dunno.

My NST appointment went about the same as last time. Oren was a bit more active at first, but then went back to sleep after a while.
Thankfully it was still enough so I didn't have to stay too much longer. I was there an hour though lol. But could've been worse so I'm not complaining too much about it.

Going to have to retire my size large shirts... at least most of them. They are getting WAY too tight for comfort lol. Thankfully I do have a lot of XL ones still so I should be ok.

Pants on the otherhand will be a problem. I had picked some out to wear to my appointment this morning and there was a good 6 inch gap from buttoning them up LOL. Got another pair, nope... about a 4 inch gap. So I finally grabbed a skirt and wore it. It's almost too tight, but better than nothing.
I did put on the new yoga pants I bought, but they're definitely not loose fitting like my capri ones. With my too small size large shirt not covering anything... no one needs to see my dimpled ass in yoga pants :P

Good times....

Couple of pics of what I've been working on. Just got done with the Oren one yesterday and really happy with the way all of these came out. :)

The emblems are Xmen, Avengers, Spawn, Superman, Captain America
Just need to add the glow in the dark stuff to the Spawn eyes and should be good to go to hang them up. Well.. we still need to buy something to hang them with.
Also need to figure out where exactly to hang them heh.

And here's a bump photo from yesterday in one of my large shirts. Oh well.....
Want to post a photo when I was pregnant with Zoe but photobucket isn't working right now. Oh well.

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