Saturday, February 7, 2015

Little more than expected...

So I thought we were going to be able to get away with not spending a ton on the camera and monitor but nope.
We haven't bought either one yet, but the ones DH wants to get are a lot more expensive than I had anticipated.

The cheapy camera we were wanting didn't have good reviews at all so.. nope on that one. There's some other one that's a few hundred dollars that sounds like what we want and it has pretty good reviews too so we might bite the bullet and get it. Thank goodness for tax returns.

Also, DH wants to get a video monitor. Mostly to watch Zoe b/c he wants to go ahead and transition her to a toddler bed. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH
I just can not imagine Zoe loose in her room when she's supposed to be sleeping. She likes her crib and doesn't try to climb out of it so... yeah. I am in NO hurry for her to be in a toddler bed and have that freedom to cause mischief lol.
But whatever... he wants to get her in it and used to it before Oren arrives so... guess we'll be doing that once he's decided on which monitor he wants to get.

We didn't buy laundry baskets. We couldn't find the same style ones we have for Zoe and I just don't want some big bulky one. We may still end up getting one of those mesh net ones, but right now we'll probably just put his dirty stuff with hers.

Same with the trash cans. Since we'll be changing them both on the one changing pad.. no point in getting another trash can.

We did buy a little storage shelf thing w/ those cloth baskets in it from Target. It was the only one they had. It's not the best looking thing but it doesn't need to be. Just has to be functional.

Also got the same cheap little side table that Zoe has in her room for the monitor and whatnot. Only $12 or $13 for it.

Also bought some clearance swaddle velcro blankets. These have some kind of thing at the bottom that opens up to make diaper changes easier. They only had one boy color one so we got that and one girly one too.

Erm what else.... bought a box of size 1 diapers, lanolin, we still need to get some infant formula. Target didn't have the smaller bottle of the premixed stuff that I wanted to get. Just big 8oz bottles.

And I think that's about it. I'm sure I'm leaving out some other small things we bought.

Speaking of Zoe, she peed in the potty today! It was only just once, but she did it.
We were both nekkid about to get in the shower and she pointed to the toilet and said pee in the potty. I said she could if she wanted thinking she just wanted to play, but she ran out in to the living room.
I didn't think much of it. She came back in, we hopped in the shower and that's when DH came in w/ the potty and said she peed A LOT in it lol.
Yay Zoe :D
I have to admit that I have been a bit lazy w/ attempting to potty train her. Will have to make an effort to try harder.

But.... I wish I could say she was totally great the rest of the day. Oh hells no she wasn't. She had a full on melt down in Target and in the grocery store.
She had some stickers on her jacket in the grocery store and freaked the F out when she ripped one by accident and a piece of it fell on the ground. Cue the meltdown.
You know that kid/baby you hear across the store? Yeah, that was us today.
Pretty sure she was like that b/c she was tired though. She didn't get to bed until probably 10 last night and still woke up when she usually does.

Man... we can't find frickin superhero plushies anywhere!!
Or at least any that aren't priced ridiculously. You would think that would be something that would sell well since superhero stuff is extremely popular right now w/ all the comic book movies coming out, but nope.
I printed off a couple of crochet instructions that I'll be making. It's the only way Oren will have any plushies to snuggle up with.

We did buy him an ugly but cool Hulk blanket though. It's like the Pooh bear one we bought Zoe that she absolutely loves.
Wish they had more options but at least they had this one. :\
An Ironman one would've been cool.
Anywho.... not like he'll be able to actually have it for a while though, but it will look cute in his room heh.

UGH, I was not happy while we were shopping though. I hadn't had enough to drink and holy hell was I achy. I was getting that heavy bump feeling I always had with Zoe and it was AWFUL. The only way it would let up was if I leaned on the shopping cart and just let my bump go completely loose and hang there. That doesn't make much sense but it's the best way I can describe it.
I was absolutely miserable and DH's need to look at every little thing we were hunting for didn't help.
Don't get me wrong... I'm glad he's usually not one to buy something in the spur of the moment. I like that he wants to compare and examine, but man.... I was not a happy camper.
I was so damn uncomfortable and in pain.

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