Sunday, November 2, 2014

Things I forgot

So DH still isn't telling his parents what the name is. It's driving his mom crazy lol.
We went out to dinner with them last night and they asked him about it. He said we didn't have anything definite yet... which we don't.

Well this brought on a nice little montage of name suggestions from MiL and aunt.
They can suggest all they want, but their names.... no.
Nothing wrong with the names they did suggest, but a lot of them are SUPER popular right now. At least from what I've seen on some of the message boards I go to.

2 of them from MiL were Xander & Liam. I've seen at least half a dozen women that are using Liam, and a little less wanting to use Xander.
Nothing wrong with either name and it's not like we're against using something popular (ie Zoe)... I dunno... was just kind of surprised that she even suggested those *shrugs*

Then aunt chimed in with Zachary and calling him Zach. She was dead set on this name too for some reason. Again, it's not a bad name, but not something we want to use. MiL didn't like that name though and shot it down when aunt kept suggesting it lol.

So yeah... if we do end up using Bishop (which we most likely will), I highly doubt they're going to like it. But oh well, tough crap for them. They better get used to it.

We went to the bookstore so DH could get his baby name book. Kept telling him to just look online but he gets distracted by other stuff while on the computer lol. We'll have something picked out eventually :)

Zoe spent the night w/ aunt last night. When we were leaving the restaurant, DH went in to get some more hugs and Zoe actually started crying b/c she thought we were taking her home LOL.
Kinda makes me feel bad that she would rather go than come home, but also I'm glad that she's not scared to go spend the night somewhere else.
Mixed feelings.
I really need to take her out more. I just never feel like going anywhere after a certain time.
I'm happy to stay home, but her.... she's going to be a little social butterfly that's going to want to go out and about all the time.

Think that was it. I'm sure I forgot something else.
Gotta clean the carpets again and try to start clearing the closet out of this room. Going to be a HUGE PITA b/c I'm not sure where we're going to store all the junk in there.

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