Sunday, November 9, 2014

Junk and stuff

MAN! We've wasted a lot of money on dvds. Some of them I have watched  a lot but others... eh, not so much. A lot of what we do own is now on netflix instant so there's no point in having the dvd laying around really.
Whenever we do have a yard sale, we'll certainly have plenty to get rid of. Just hope people would show up since we're all the way in the back of the neighborhood.

Anywho, just cleaning off some shelves in the living room. We need to rearrange it a little bit so we can put DH's desk in there.... somewhere. I know where I'd like to put it but Zoe has her little bookshelf and desk in the spot. It's not a small living room, but it's limited in where we can put everything.

UGH The cat has peed in the sunroom and I can't figure out where exactly. It hasn't been recent. It's an old spot but it stinks to high heaven in there. We've been keeping the doors to it shut but would actually like to start using the room and that's not going to happen until the cat piss smell is taken care of.
Oh the joys of having a cat w/ fucked up paws :\
At least we don't have to bother with cat litter anymore since he won't use that :\

Going to go drown suspected spots in Nature's Miracle again and hope it hits the right spot. I'm pretty sure I poured it on the correct areas, but it didn't help. *shrugs*

My last day of eating whatever. Sigh... buy buy sugar... hello cravings I can't indulge in *cry*

We went and saw Interstellar yesterday. Zoe is spending the weekend w/ granny and aunt.
That was a fantastic movie. The reviews I watched of it were kind of mediocre, so I was debating if we should go, but I'm glad we did. Fantastic movie. Not sure why it's getting such harsh criticism.
Anywho, there were some parts that were VERY loud and rumbly and baby boy was getting aggitated by them lol.
It was pretty nice actually to feel him that well and that often. I felt some really good kicks a little above my waist line (belly button). I'm sure if I had a hand resting there I could've felt them from the outside.

And yeah... think that's about it so far. Have more cleaning up to do. Have all the movies and video games off the shelves... now just need to figure out what to do with all of the nicknacks. 

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