Friday, November 7, 2014

Terrible 2s? Hell yes!

MAN! It was slowly building up.. slowly slowly.
But the terrible 2s is earning its name. Holy crap Zoe is becoming a little holy terror!
Defiant, fussy, total drama queen.
Toddlers man......... toddlers......


Sorry that was so disjointed but I don't know what else to say about it other than... UGH! lol
Zoe will be my sweet loving baby girl and then a switch flips and she turns in to this tiny cute little asshole :P
Well she's gonna be SUPER grumpy for a while b/c DH just took all of the leftover candy to work with him. She's not gonna like not having anymore candy :P

I actually slept well last night! Only woke up twice to pee and didn't wake up once b/c I was achy and uncomfortable. WOO! Could still use a few more hours of sleep, but this is such a rare occurrence now.. I had to share it lol.

I was hoping I'd avoid getting any new stretch marks this pregnancy... PFFT NOPE!
I saw a new one the other day right smack dab center on my belly.
It's only about an inch long but I'm sure it will get bigger and/or be joined by some buddies. BOOOO

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