Wednesday, August 6, 2014

So F-ing pissed off

So how long ago was that hail storm... 3? months ago?
Yeah our roof still hasn't been repaired.
These fucking crooks are trying to get our insurance to pay 3x the amount that they estimated. Nevermind that when DH talked to them (the roofing people), they agreed that the amount the insurance gave us was enough.
Fucking pieces of shit crooks.

And of course Dh signed a contract with them so we're fucking stuck unless they let us out of it which isn't going to happen. I knew he shouldn't have signed shit but kept my mouth shut. Not that it's his fault, but these pieces of shit companies rely on naive people like us to sign away our rights while they do whatever the fuck they want.
I'm SO fucking pissed off right now. I so want to call them up and bitch them out but I know that won't do anything other than making me feel better.

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