Monday, November 5, 2012


Was wondering this the other day.
Why do children resist sleeping so much?
Sleep is frickin awesome... you would think that at least babies would go to sleep with no resistance. *shrugs*
Guess it is just one of those things.

Zoe's sleep at night has been getting better again. Still not great though.
She woke at 3 but I kept putting the pacifier in her mouth to get her to go back to sleep.
I do it in hopes that it will of course put her back to sleep for a few more hours and also hope that it will help encourage her to sleep longer other nights.
I eventually got up with her at 5.
She went right back to sleep after I fed her and didn't wake until 8:30, so yay!

Keep forgetting to mention that my hair is starting to fall out again...booo :(

Finding my hair ALL over the place now. It's not clumps thank goodness, but it still sucks.


Anonymous said...

I loved my pregnancy full and thick...I swear between what has fallen out post pregnancy and what Raegan has managed to pull out(it's her latest fascination) I'm going to be bald soon :)

Shari said...

I asked myself that very question a million times. How can they not understand that sleep/naps are a wonderful thing!!

I hated when my hair started falling out. As soon as I kept seeing strands it all over DD, I went and got a "mom" cut. I miss my thick shiny preggo hair!!