Friday, January 13, 2012


Ok so maybe I won't update every day. Seems to be making this go by slower! lol I'm sure it would feel like that no matter what.. I just don't have enough material for every day posting heh.

Anyway... today was great... WAS. And then the headache hit. I thought it was because I was dehydrated, but nope, doesn't seem to be the case. Just took some tylenol so I'm hoping it will kick in soon. I really, REALLY hate headaches.

Gagging was nowhere to be seen as well, and then it kicked in. It's not too bad though. I just need to stop thinking about it so I'll stop gagging.

I'm so anxious for Wed to finally get here. The RE mentioned that if everything looks good at my next appointment then chances of anything being wrong aka miscarrying are greatly reduced. Oh gawd please let everything be ok.

I have to say, I'm a bit embarassed to start going to an OB. I mean even though it is my gyn or I'm hoping will be... I've NEVER seen a fat girl when I go in there. It just makes me feel so self conscious and NM the physical exam where it's the gyn and some assistant looking at my hairy junk :P Sure they've seen it all and lord knows I've had my ladybits looked at plenty by my RE, but the physical is SO different b/c the light is blaring, you're completely naked and just UUUUUUUGH.

And then I'm embarassed about my fat hairy stomach. Yes... HAIRY. Damn PCOS.
I mean it's not completely covered in fur, but there are still enough hairs down there to make it embarassing. I pluck them out but they end up leaving a spot so not like it does much.
And I'm not sure when I'll be able to get a regular u/s b/c of the fat. Damn fleshy fannypack is right over the uterus area so I know that's going to cause problems. I mean I don't mind getting transvag u/s since I'm used to it, but I don't want some u/s tech that doesn't know me try to do it on the stomach and have to switch to vag b/c I'm fat.. ya know?

1 comment:

Just T said...

You refer to yourself as fat, but you are also a beautiful woman :) The doctors see us in every color, shape and size. Heck im sure they see people with purple pubic hair and maybe bejewled. Hope you have a great u/s.