Saturday, March 9, 2013


My back feels somewhat better, but still pretty stiff and it starts to ache something fierce if I sit without back support (like on the floor with Zoe).

Hopefully tomorrow this will be just a memory. We'll see though. I haven't been able to stand straight up for 2 days now. Feel like an old 80yo woman hunched over.

Zoe is doing well... I think.
She's not sick, but yesterday, she actually threw up. Not spit up, but actual vomit.

Not sure when exactly it happened. Just know that she got it all over herself and DH.

She has been spitting up a little more lately too. It's not too often, but more often than it has been in a while.

As I said though, she's not acting like she is sick at all *shrugs* She coughs sometimes too. Thinking maybe she is experiencing reflux.

Bumps on her face are still there. Maybe has something to do with her stomach issues?

Metformin is going well. It still makes me nauseous soon after taking it, but that eventually goes away.
Poo issues are a bit... come and go with it. May take another week on the 1000 before upping the dose. Depends how things go I guess.

And yep... that's about it :)

Can't believe Zoe is already 7m old!! Man.... where has the time gone?
Been slacking on the photos. Will have to get her dressed up in something other than her pjs and take some photos! lol

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