Thursday, March 14, 2013

Impatiently waiting

... for something to happen with this spotting.
It sure feels like it could be AF wanting to start. Bloated feeling down below along w/ an ache as I felt w/ my last few periods, but the bleeding still hasn't really picked up.
It either needs to stop or pick up!!

Bad night for sleep last night. Zoe kept half waking and fussing.
Then she woke up at 5 this morning, wide awake wanting to eat. Of course me being a wuss, I wanted to feed her, but DH didn't want to. He was right but it sucked.
When she wasn't settling herself back to sleep, he went in and checked on her, changed her diaper and held her for a while until she calmed down. Moments like that just make the sleepless nights worth it. Seeing him holding her, and her (every once in a while) resting her head on her daddy's shoulder. Makes me tear up just thinking about it.

She did quiet back down until 6 when she woke again. DH was in the shower so I said screw it and gave her a bottle lol.
She sucked it right down though and went right back to sleep after.
Not exactly sure when she woke up, but she talked to herself in her crib for a while so I got in some much needed sleep. She started fussing a little around 8:30, so I got up, but by the time I got to her room, which was a few mins, she had gone back to sleep and slept for another 30-40 minutes.
So yeah, not a terrible morning at all :)

Oh well, that is until I decided to give her a teeny tiny smashed up piece of apple. Seriously, it was a little itty bitty piece of nothing. She took it in to her mouth gagged for a second, and then HARFED all over herself and the blanket she was playing on. BLEH! I can't believe that much was even IN her.
Poor girl. She didn't seem fazed by it at all thankfully.

Just put her in her crib for a nap. She's getting too big for her rock n play. She'll nap on the floor every once in a while, but I'd rather her nap in her crib most of the time. While our dogs wouldn't harm her intentionally, I'm always afraid that they'll step on her and they've woken her up multiple times before making noise.

and yep..... think that's about it. I still need to upload photos of her and whatnot.

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