Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ouch!!! I'm old!

Zoe woke up... gave her a bottle while she was still in her crib as I've been doing for a week or so.
When she was done, picked her up and burped her and put her back to bed.
I went and laid back down. She happily babbled and whatnot in her crib for about 30mins.
I took that time to lay back down and hopefully catch a few more snoozes.
So when she started fussing, I got up and went to get her and HOLY CRAP... I've done something to my lower back!!!
I can't move a certain wait and picking up Zoe is PAINFUL :(
I dunno WTF I've done to it. I didn't twist in a weird way or anything in those 30mins to have caused this. It just happened for no frickin reason other than probably me just getting older! How shitty is that.

It still frickin hurts and BLEEEEEEEH! Stupid body!

1000mg yesterday went well. The 2nd pill did make me a nauseated a few mins after taking it, but not bad that I felt like I was going to throw up.
Did wake up at 2pm needing to go #2 though which was probably the metformin.

Took my first pill a little earlier today so hopefully spacing it out a bit there won't be any problems when I take the 2nd one tonight.

Just saw that my new met prescrip doesnt have refills on it. SIGH. I guess she just wants to see me first at my annual. Fucking sucks being a woman sometimes. OOO a guy has o have his balls grabbed.. and OOOO he gets a finger shoved up his butt when he's older.
At least that shit isn't yearly!!! Get their boobs poked, their vag's swabbed under those bright frickin lights. Good lord I Hate it!!!
Anyway.... it hit me after seeing that there wasn't a refill that... holy crap, April is next month!! I dunno, that just blew my mind b/c for some strange reason I was thinking it was a couple months away LOL.
Anyway, so yeah.... FINALLY realizing that bit of info... there is no way I'll be back down to pre-preg weight by then unless I do some kind of drastic diet change. Like juicing or something.
Pffft, I'd rather EAT those veggies and fruits than drink them thank you very much.

I did weigh myself this morning. Battery still has some juice in it still after whacking the scale a few times to get it to come on lol.
3lbs down from what I was at the last time I weighed which was... hell, I can't even remember.
Most likely just water weight, but damnit, I will take it!!
So I'm going to try my best, once my back feels better to at least be back down below 200 again by the time my appointment rolls around. That will be kinda close to my pre-preg weight though so may be a bit too much for such a short amount of time. We'll see what happens.

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