Friday, March 24, 2017

Holy crap... Really? I've gotten this fat??

At my heaviest.. I was 250lbs. That was.... 8? years ago. Maybe a little less.
Well... 3 kids later and about 30? 20? lol.. lbs less than that and I am too fat to wear my fat sizes!
Decided I wanted to wear something other than  comfortable stretchy shorts out so I went digging for some capris. I know I'm not getting in to anything below an 18. Thankfully I still have a few 18's. Welp... apparently I'm too fat now to wear most of those now. Pregnancy and just the way my body has held on to the fat has given my a bigger pooch and now my once, too big pants are too tight.
I can't even button some of them.
Finally found a pair that's still tight, but not too much.

Well this frickin sucks. A nice wake up call though that I NEED to change some things or else I'll be taking my cheap ass to a store to buy bigger sizes which I do NOT want to do.

While the stretch stuff that I bought while pregnant is comfortable and I have no shame in wearing them.... I don't want to wear those for forever.
Time to get more serious about this. I've already let 3 months slip by.

Also.. spotting more today. It's all old looking stuff though so /shrugs. No idea what's going on.
Good ole weird broken body....

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