Monday, February 4, 2013

Wow, faulty much??

So I just took my daily opk and HPT, and check out this hpt...

BLEH!! That line is totally not in the right spot. Oh sure, it's nice and pink and came up right away but just no.
I had already flushed the pee before seeing this or I would've taken another.
I'm about 99.9% positive that I'm not pregnant so just chalking it up to a faulty test. But still.... I'd be lying if my heart didn't skip a beat for a second lol.

I'll take another test later just to get rid of that .1% that isn't sure.

In other news... Zoe is sitting up SO well now. She will still topple over, but she could stay sitting for a good 30+ minutes with no problems. She's right behind me as I type this playing on the floor :D

Some photos I took today.

She is SO interested in the dogs and cat now. She wants to touch them so much. The only one that bothers with her is Cid... our spoiled Frenchie mutt :)

I can't wait until she is older and asks for a dog of her own (that I'll tell her to ask daddy for! lol).
This is going to sound SO bad...... by the time she is old enough to ask, our oldest dog will probably be dead then, so we'll be needing another one to take up that spot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! I don't think I've ever seen one do that, lol! Darn tests!