Thursday, February 7, 2013


So, I took my butt to the doc this morning.
Just ear wax... a WHOLE LOT OF ear wax to be exact :P lol

Seriously... GROSS. They gave me the option of drops or they clean it out. I opted for them cleaning it out for me, and holy good god. I didn't get a close up look, just what it looked like as the nurse poured out the stuff in to the sink and *gag*
I dunno how I had ANY hearing in that ear!! There was SOOOOOOO much of it! BLARGH!

No infection just a little irritated, but the doc smeared a little bit of ointment inside anyway just to be sure.
Just gross though. I figured it was blocked up, but not THAT much. They took this big syringe thing and filled it with warm water and peroxide and squirted the hell out of my ear 3 or 4 times. First time, a crap ton of gunk came out, 2nd time I didn't see, and then they kept at it until some stuff way in the back was flushed out finally.

Anyway... I can hear again! WOO!!!


Think poor Zoe may need to go back in to disposables. Looks like her little butt is getting irritated. Seems to happen if she has been pooping a lot so we have to go in and wipe it off which makes it sensitive. Poor baby girl :( May just try patting and using warm water next time she has poop. Just try not to rub.

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