Monday, August 12, 2013


BDing is done and done lol.
Figures.... as soon as we have to BD for anything other than fun and DH doesn't want to. We did though so pffffft.

Zoe had her appointment today. She weighs in at 21lbs 7oz. Thought it would be higher b/c lil miss fussy butt sure feels like she weighs more and she eats A LOT.
She did pretty well getting her shots and finger prick too. Didn't even flinch on the finger prick and cried for only a minute on the shots before glaring at the nurse lol.
Hopefully she doesn't have any kind of reaction to the shots.
She was SOOOOOOOO fussy when we got home though.
She woke up at 7am which is about 1-2hrs before her normal time. She went back to sleep at around 8:30. Woke up at 9, went back to sleep at 11:30 and woke at 1. She usually takes her 2nd nap at 1. So yeah, her schedule was all screwed up so she was tired a lot sooner than her usual bedtime. Poor baby.

Her doc gave us some samples of medicated lotion to use on her eczema. Hopefully it works. They're supposed to call in a slightly stronger hydrocortizone(sp) cream for her. I gotta pick up my met tomorrow anyway so hopefully it's ready.

Zoe has these patches of small white pimples on her face and arms that will not go away. So frustrating, but thankfully the areas don't seem to bother her.

Anywho, off to go crochet some. Gotta start making SiL baby stuff. Have a lot to do for that.

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