Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to it then....

Man, the women in my group are getting pregnant again left and right it seems lol. Hopefully it will be our turn again soon.
We're back to eating a stricter diet. I am totally fine with that b/c after a week of not caring, I feel SO bloated and just terrible. Just an overall.... off feeling.
Bad thing is though, the sugar and carbs are so frickin addictive. After having cake at Zoe's party, I was nauseous that night. Woke up feeling like I never wanted cake ever again, later in the day, I was craving it. WTF??
Anyway, DH is determined to keep us on a stricter diet and so am I. We had our fun, now it's time to get healthy again.

I'm fixing slow cooker pepper steak tonight. YUM!

Pot Roast, soy sauce, 1 can of diced tomato, 1 onion sliced, 4 small bell peppers (from the garden), 1 tablespoon of beef bouillon, black pepper. Plop it all in to a slow cooker and voila, delicious dinner in 6-8hrs on low :D
We'll be having baked potato or baked sweet potato with it.

Hmm, I only just started using OPKs yesterday. I figured I could start testing late considering how late I got AF, but there were a few days there when I had some extra cervical fluid. We DTD yesterday, didn't stay on my back or anything after. *shrugs* We'll see.
I'll just continue with the OPKs, twice a day now and hope we catch something :)

Zoe has her 1y appointment this afternoon. SO not looking forward to the shots. Her doc said they're usually pretty brutal. I don't want my baby girl to feel bad :(
Gosh, I hope the vaccinations aren't too bad for her.

She is growing up so fast.
We haven't given her a bottle in about 3 or 4 days now and she's been perfectly fine.
We were only giving her a bottle twice a day, once before bed, then again when she woke up early morning around 5am.
We stopped the one before bed, just giving her her sippy cup and now.... seems like she's good with no early morning bottle now.
If she wakes, I have been giving her sips of water from her sippy and she seems content with that.

Now to just wean her off of her pacifiers lol. She's still very dependent on them to get to sleep and I dread that day we decide to start weaning. Hoping she'll do it herself but I don't think we're that lucky heh.

Anywho, she's back to sleep so gonna go do..... whatever the hell I want for the next 30min-1hr lol

1 comment:

Shari said...

22 months and we still have the If she didn't try to put everything in her mouth I would have gotten rid of it a long time ago!! Hope Zoe can just quit the habit herself. :)