Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I'm going to  have to remember, after having the next baby... NO junk food!!!

This is getting ridiculous. I know what I saw this morning was probably water weight, but still. We have been doing awesome sticking with primal and the scale has moved down only once this entire time and it's back up to what it was when I started.
My body is resisting letting go of this fat tooth and nail.

By this time when we first started primal, I had already lost 8 pounds.
Ughhh just so damn frustrating :(
Sigh... I so regret going crazy with the junk food now. Every once in a while would've been ok, but yeah, I went a bit extreme and I am so paying for it now.

 All of Zoe's 3 month clothes are put up now. She is growing so fast. I look at her and can tell that she has grown more recently too.
She'll always be my baby girl though.

DH made her some homemade baby food last night. We baked her a sweet potato, mixed it with some formula and pureed it. Looks just like the stuff you buy in a store. We'll see how she likes it a little later today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Sorry hun! I hope the weight starts coming off soon! Try to hang in there. FX!