Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What??? Nooooooooooooooo.......

I'm fucking sick again! WTF???
I felt blah yesterday. My throat/roof of my mouth was feeling a little achy yesterday. Not that razor blade feeling, just slightly achy when I swallowed. I figured it was b/c my mouth and throat were once again getting super dry during the night (that should've been my first clue).
But then I just started getting this overall blah feeling and a headache.
Took tylenol. Didn't get rid of the headache, but I guess, it kept me from feeling worse.

So I go to bed and have one of the worst nights of sleep ever.
I'd just get to sleep and I'd either snort or snore b/c I have mucus stuck right up in my sinus area that I seem to want to solely use when I sleep, so when I do finally sleep.. I snort/snore and it wakes me up.
All, frickin, night.
Also all night.. I had to keep drinking b/c I was mouth breathing b/c my nose started to stuff up. And b/c I'm drinking more.. I had to get up and pee more.
I should've known something was going on when I was still coughing while everyone else stopped.

Also started waking up with a headache. Was hoping it was possibly allergies even though I don't really have bad allergies, so I took a pill for that. NOPE! My nose keeps getting more stuffy and I keep feeling sicker and sicker.
Frickin awesome.

Just... where the hell did I get a cold again??
The kids seem ok so far.
Ezra is a bit more restless at night b/c he's teething and Oren has a boogery nose, but it's not running.
Maybe I walked in to someone's sneeze or cough or something at the store :\

One thing I don't like about Zoe spending more than one night away from home..... she doesn't sleep well anywhere else, so when she gets home, she's always SUPER grumpy and moody and whiny and annoying. :\
She got home with attitude and a half yesterday.
Oh well..

Alrighty, gotta change a baby diaper before he leaks all over the place again.
Had a bad mommy moment the other day. Left him in a diaper for WAY too long. Just did not think about changing him at all. Kept walking around and stepping in random wet spots. When I finally got it in to my head to change him... it revealed what those wet spots were lol. Oops...

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